Change starts at home

Change starts at home.
This is my Dad.
At the weekend we went home to celebrate his birthday.
Him and I went for a run.
It’s our ‘thing’ that we do together.
Daddy daughter time.

My dad’s pace never changes.
Flat, down, up.
Always consistent.
The last stretch of our route is a killer hill.
Strava calls it ‘Dean’s lane of Pain.’
As my dad runs up the hill, he litter picks.
He picks things out of hedge rows and off the floor.
My dad beats me up the hill every time.
He beats me up the hill whilst holding someone else’s cans of Carling and Red Bull from the night before.

Sometimes we think you have to do something big to make a difference.
You have to solve a global problem.
You have to cure a horrible disease.
But creating change starts at home.
It’s the small things you do.
The daily actions you take.
The micro changes you make that all add up.

Litter picking one street won’t change the world.
But it makes a difference to that street.
It makes a difference to that local wildlife.
It inspires others to do the same.
It made an impression on me.

Proud of you Dad.


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