I don’t know what to do with my life
So you’ve got some big questions…
Where am I going? What do I want to do with my life?
What does success look like?
Is success what life is really all about?
Who am I?
What do I really care about?
You’ve tried looking for answers.
Google. Asking friends. Some self-help book you found called ‘fix your life’ or similar.
But nothing seems to have helped.
In fact you now feel even more confused then you did before.
Because you’re looking for answers in the wrong place.
The answers aren’t out there. They’re in here. In you.
You already have all the knowledge, experience, and wisdom you need to think through these big questions and find the true answers.
What you’ve not had is the time or space to do that.
You’ve been in a continuous cycle…
Work. Life. Sleep. Repeat.
When do you find time to add in a ‘pause’, or ‘reflect’, or ‘contemplate’?
Make a commitment to yourself this new year. Not a commitment to do more, achieve more, or fix something about yourself….
But to create space, to start listening to yourself, to understand and appreciate who you are.
Because that is where you will find your answers. Not out in the world, but inside of you.
I’m Katie Newman, a Sheffield life coach, career coach, and business coach, and I take people into the great outdoors so they have the time, space and freedom to rediscover who they truly are. Two hours, every other week, walking the edges of the Peak District in South Yorkshire… spending time thinking and talking about life’s big questions, and helping you find your own answers.
Photo taken of a sunset over the Hope Valley in The Peak District.